Every person has a different perception for their own success;
mine would be achieving my goal and becoming my own Boss. Realistically that’s
going to take a while because I'm still learning different things every day and
figuring out the steps to get there, but I will get there and that will be my
success story. Over time I've had to train myself to focus on my goal and have
clarity about how I will get there, but discipline doesn't always come so
easily and I won’t shy away from admitting that I have got side tracked every
once in a while but ultimately I always get back on track. This post is going
to give a few tips that I've found helpful and have adjusted my life accordance
to them to help me.
Passion, Perseverance & Determination
Some people go chasing dreams because they’re
influenced by other people wanting that dream and they have no clear view of
where they’re heading in life. First and foremost in order to be successful in
life you have to have a clear goal of where you want to be in life and
importantly you have got to have passion about what you want to do. Chasing
something because other people are chasing it will not make you successful; it’ll
only cloud your own vision of happiness. It is so important to do what you want
to do and be passionate about it so that you will have perseverance.
Perseverance is not a trait we’re born with, it’s a trait you have to develop
yourself, it’s a trait which you will need if you want to get anywhere in life
and be successful, you have to know that you’re not going to instantly get
where you want to be, but you will if you persevere. Which brings me to
determination, which is like perseverance, but I always think that perseverance
in someone shows determination. When it comes to determination you have to set
yourself firm boundaries, if you want to succeed you cannot be going out every
day partying. The harsh truth is no successful person has partied their way
through to success, they've had to sacrifice something in life, I'm not
insinuating that people have to cut every distraction out of their life, but I am
however saying you have to do everything in moderation if it’s going to be
drinking, partying or any social gatherings.
Find yourself, accept yourself & love yourself
When we’re young we tend to lose focus on ourselves, I
won’t be the first to say at a time the things I did were influenced by the
people I was with, it doesn't make you a bad person to fall into that trap, but
it does make you lose focus on looking after yourself, it’s unhealthy. The more I've been alone, it’s given me time to think about myself, where I want to be
and what my flaws are and I've accepted the person who I am and I'm making
changes to my life to be the person I want to be, the more confidence and love I
have for myself the easier I can cut things out of my life that are not growing
me. You have to love yourself, if you don’t love yourself how can you possibly show
love to other people. When you begin to have a positive outlook in life you
begin to attract people with the same energy as you, will be sending signals of
awareness, strength, love and kindness and people will respect your inner
beauty. Changing your internal perception of yourself will push you out of your
comfort zone, you will know your worth in life and it’ll give you the courage
to go after who you want to be.
Obstacles, this is one factor that makes us all
question whether what we’re doing is right for us or not. I say people who quit
when there’s obstacle never wanted that thing, if it’s so easy to just drop
everything and forget about where you want to be, was it truly the place you
wanted to be when you initially started? Life is full of obstacles along the
way and how you face up to those obstacle determines the person you are. I've had many obstacles (I will post about) in the past and if I’d given up when
they all appeared I wouldn't be the person I am now. As hard as it may seem at
times you have to get through the worst to get to where you want to be, there’s
always a way around obstacles if you search within yourself for the answer. I
would never recommend picking the easy way out. You may think “what if I put
all this effort in and it doesn't work out” that’s everyone’s fear, fear is
just something that stops us all from achieving if we let it win, instead of
thinking “what if it doesn't work” think “this could end up so amazing”.
Positivity is key, positivity will attract the right sort of energy that you
need in life and if you’re positive about something and believe in it, the more
it’s likely to work out.
Those are just a few tips but there are so many more
out there, but I personally believe that those are so important to keep in mind.
When you want to be successful you will believe you want to be, when you train
your thoughts to be positive and to reflect the person you want to be, you’re
on the right path. Remember it is crucial to always know that you’re not
instantly going to get there, life is a journey but make it the best journey.
Associate yourself with the right people who will grow you, you don’t need any negativity
in your life, and you need to love yourself.
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