Sunday, 6 December 2015

Why people fail at life

Failure is inevitable, everyone person will have failed at something at least once in their life, but when you take a look at person who is continuously failing you start to analyse what they are doing wrong. I have come across people who say they would like to succeed but then their actions don’t convey their goal.  In conclusion to this I have devised some reasons as to why people at fail at life.

Not planning
One of my favourite quotes that I came across earlier this year was “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. It has been said that most ventures that are accumulated through no planning are likely to fail, if I put this in retrospective of our life goal; it means that if we don’t plan the steps we need to accomplish that goal, it is most likely to fail. What we need to do in order to minimise failure is plan, this could be achieved through writing a list of things that need doing which are going to contribute to succeeding our goal.

Blaming others
Blaming another person as the reason to why we've failed at something is easily done, but in veracity accepting responsibility for our own failures will teach us how to avoid that situation again.  

Repeating the same mistakes
Repeating the same mistakes is a vicious cycle, but as Einstein put it “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. When we get comfortable with something we tend to hold on to that comfort, this represents making the same mistakes. Repeating the same mistakes tends for form because of a pattern that we’re used to and we have not yet discovered an alternative pattern that will bring us comfort. This is a bad habit, if we want to progress in life we have to break through this cycle, learning from mistakes is one of the most significant ways a person could achieve their goals, it allows you to have a new insight and ignites a new way of doing things.

Giving up at the first hurdle
It can be discouraging when you put so much effort into a goal to then have an obstacle, nevertheless, there is always going to be obstacles in life, so this shouldn't discourage anyone. I like to embrace obstacles because I know there tends to be a way around them, giving up at because of an obstacle just means you never really wanted that goal. Obstacles can actually improve skills as they force us to analyse different decisions, this improves our analytical skills as well as our decisions making skills. Furthermore, it may mean we have to discuss our obstacle with another person, which allows us to improve our communication skills, therefore, when we embrace obstacles only then can we experience the benefits.

A negative attitude can only attract a negative result, if we go out there thinking we’re going to fail chances are, we are. This is because we instinctively don’t exert all our efforts if we’re pessimistic that we’ll accomplish the goal, to be successful we first must think we’re going to be successful. Changing our perspectives into a positive one can change the way things look, something that may have been perceived as challenging before could end up easily resolved through changing our outlook of it.

Not getting advice

When it comes to wanting to accomplish a goal, we’re probably not the first people to want to achieve that goal, there are people out there willing to give advice if we look for them. There's an abundance of people not utilising the privileges they have to access information so easily, it is now easier than ever to connect to people in the same field as us through social media sites such as Linkendin and Twitter. Getting advice is a great way to be in an advantageous position.

No motivation
It is so disheartening seeing a person with so much potential but they're not motivated. Motivation is the absolute driver for successful people, when you're motivated you perform at your optimum. Being around people who are motivated and driven can also influence us to be in the same position.

To reiterate failure is inevitable, but how many times we fail is down to how we do things and how well we handle the first failure. Every successful person has gone through failure to get to where they want to be, but repeating the same mistakes will only put us at a standstill, be smart about decisions and have a positive outlook. 


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